Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Birthday Mice

My upline Joyce had our Shoebox Swap group make this card last spring...isn't it cute? I had to make another so I could keep one, because I'm sending one early to an old friend...that's right, she'll be old like me this August! 40 (gasp!) We'll see if she catches on here.

Here's something: I am embarrassed to say that I think I've been goofing up since I started my blog in May...if you've posted a comment to my blog, it copies me to my email inbox. I've made a big point to reply to almost every comment via email. Except that I noticed the other day that even though your name gets populated in the To: box in my reply email, I see in the properties that it may actually be going to no-reply@blogger.com! Wow, I should have known better, but never thought to check since your name was there. So, I apologize profusely for seeming so RUDE! I clear my sent items and inbox regularly, so I hope I didn't miss something big. Sheesh and sorry if you didn't hear back from me when you thought you would...BAD blogger!
