Sunday, December 14, 2008

Husband's 6-Pack Survival Kit

I read about this idea over on and just had to make it. It's a kit of 6 cards for a husband to give his wife throughout the year to keep him out of the doghouse. I printed out a table for him to write in the dates so as not to forget her birthday, their anniversary, Valentine's Day, and Mother's Day, and there's a card for "just because" and one for "I'm sorry." The cards are packaged in a custom-made Kraft and acrylic box, and the clear lid is decorated wtih the Cheers to You beer mug image. I used some black StazOn ink and a clear alphabet stamp set I had to stamp the "Husband's 6-Pack Survival Kit" on the clear lid.

I'm thinking these would make a great Christmas gift for a few guys I know, especially if accompanied with a real 6-pack of beer!

I'll be showing you some closeups of the cards in subsequent posts.

Have a great day!
