Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Have You Done for YOU Lately?

Are you exhausted by the time you pick your kids up from school or daycare?

Would you like the kids to look forward to coming home from school instead of wondering if you'll be cranky or too tired to spend time with them?  Your family and your sanity are important.  Is your job robbing you of either one?

Working from home doing something you love would allow you to ditch the boss and office politics, not to mention all that time commuting and witnessing road rage!

You deserve better!

Imagine your peaceful household during the day, your new workplace:  You've met old and new friends in the course of your flexible business day, you've picked up the house in between, you can hear the birds singing outside, and the coffee never tasted so good while taking a break on the deck.  You look forward to greeting your loving children with hugs, a plate of warm cookies, and time devoted to them every day!

YOU can have this, just like I do!  This business is flexible...some days you work hard and some days you take the day off for yourself or for your family!  It's entirely up to you and there's no time sheet to fill out!

If you'd like more information on joining my US team and owning your own stamping business in your town, contact me and I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

My "desk" blotter...not full of dull meeting schedules and bored scribblings, but alive with flitting hummingbirds, blue skies, cute lions, drafts of creativity, and encouraging stamped words!

I'll be over here if you need me, watching the mountain bluebirds and the bald eagles while I work!  Then again, I might be on the deck enjoying the warm sun, or taking a walk to get some fresh air.  Won't you join me?

Click to read more about it and even sign up now if you'd like.


I invite you to Join My Growing US Team...During Sale-a-Bration the Stampin' Up! Starter Kits are 15% off PLUS you get a free stamp set of your choice up to $47.95!
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